
PLAYLIST#163 Kompromat, Ca7riel y Paco Amoroso, Boreal Wood, Mustafa, etc.

PLAYLIST#163 Kompromat, Ca7riel y Paco Amoroso, Boreal Wood, Mustafa, etc.

Ecoutez la playlist 163 sur Spotify
Ecoutez la playlist 163 sur Deezer

I’ve nothing left but my soul, soul, soul, soul, soul, soul
I’ll let myself go blind

2. Ca7riel y Paco Amoroso – Dubai
Ahí abajo hace calor, yo traje el ventilador
Para darte las buenas noche’
Más linda, pero es algo superior
Hasta que se esconde el sol, nos usamo’ de bloqueador

3. Boreal Wood – Heart gone

4. Mustafa – Name of God
Both our eyes are red
But you’re high and I’m crying
You’re trying to forget
But it hits me every time

5. Emilíana Torrini – Miss Flower
I want to taste you, taste your lips
Feel your hair, I want to breathe you
Taste your hips, taste your skin
I want to own you

6. Hether – When U Loved Me
Who was I when you loved me?
Who was I?

7. Chanel Beads – Police Scanner
You owe to yourself
Gotta believe in something else
Looking at the guilt
Cannot break before it ends

8. Romain Muller – Bonifacio

9. ASPHALT – Lame de fond
Demain j’vais devenir
Une moitié d’ange
Et aujourd’hui je brûle
Brûle un feu orange

10. Demain Les Garçons – Depuis

(Visited 46 times, 1 visits today)


  • Merci pour cette playlist, découvertes, découvertes !! COOl

    • Merci à toi !

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